After the Storm

After the Roof Inspection

The Insurance Adjustment

Roof Claim Approvals

During the Re-Roof Installation

After The Roof Installation





Ask yourself these questions:

·         Do you know what the insurance should pay for your damage?

·         Are you aware of the local codes pertaining to roof replacement

·         Did the insurance adjuster pay for everything to bring home up to code?

·         Are you sure the adjuster didn’t miss anything?

·         Are you sure the adjuster measured correctly?

·         Are you sure the adjuster paid ‘Fair Market Value’ for your area?


Tri State Home Exteriors LLC Insurance Claim Process

The insurance claims process for a home that has been impacted by storm damage such as wind, or hail for example, tends to become a stressful journey on most homeowners. Tri State Home Exteriors LLC has been working on insurance claim related roof replacements for many decades and will walk you through the whole process when you have an insurance claim, and need it to go over smoothly.

1. We offer a free, no obligation, roof inspection which also includes inspection of collateral such as vents, flashing, pipes, pipe boots, gutters, soffits, fascia, and wood decking underlay.

2. If we feel that your roof is qualified for replacement, we will educate you in proper procedures for calling in a claim with your insurance company. We then meet your insurance adjuster at your home at no cost to you and participate in the adjuster’s review and point out damages that we have documented upon our initial inspection.

3. We will provide your insurance carrier with a diagram of your roof outlining measurements and with damages noted. We are experts at using Exactimate the same estimating software used by many major roofing contractors and insurance adjusters.

4. We will then advocate on your behalf with the adjuster to establish the “scope of work” that the insurance company will pay for and go to battle for you negotiating the differences.

5. As a Tri State Roofingcustomer you will always have access to a company representative who can address any questions or concerns that may arise.

6.We will install your new roof using the highest quality materials and according to Florida building codes accepted standards and procedures.

7.We follow stringent clean-up procedures. We sweep clean the grass/lawn areas and driveways to pick up nails and other debris, and by hand we scour the bushes and landscaping areas to be sure all construction materials have been removed. We consider our work to be a home improvement and we take special care to leave your home in an improved condition.

8. Most residential roofing projects are completed in one to two days, considering start times and weather conditions.

Free Inspection


The adjuster will inspect your roof and exterior of your home for visible signs of damage. We ask that you allow us to represent you during the inspection. We will meet the adjuster at your property, point out the damage we have identified and advocate on your behalf. We will do our best to ensure that your rights are protected and honored during this process.